
Mostrando las entradas de 2015

Mastery 07

Use of comments in Python Link To My Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_B5xBTL4x0

Mastery 21

Use of recursion for repetitive algorithms Link To My Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnu2nvv2seE

Mastery 27

Creation and use of dictionaries in Python Link To My Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4_P_Jy0osc

Mastery 04

Submit work via Blog RSS and GitHub Screen Capture of me submitting  my Wsq via Blogger Rss: Screen Capture of my work being  uploaded to GitHub:

Mastery 30

Reading and writing of files in Python Link to my Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDTCFSNBEss

Wsq 16

Wsq 16 Useful Links:   http://www.pythonforbeginners.com/files/reading-and-writing-files-in-python Github Link To My Code: https://github.com/florethge/quizz/blob/master/wsq%2016

quiz 11

Quiz #11 Useful links: http://www.pythoncentral.io/how-to-see-if-a-string-contains-another-string-in-python/ Github link to my code: https://github.com/florethge/quizz/blob/master/quiz%2011%20part%201 https://github.com/florethge/quizz/blob/master/quiz%2011%20part%202


Ecoa evaluation It's a survey of the students opinion about their teachers and faculty members. I've finished it since thursday but forgot to blog about it :/

Quiz 10

Quiz #10 Github Links: https://github.com/florethge/quizz/blob/master/question%201%20find%20threes https://github.com/florethge/quizz/blob/master/question%202%20dot%20product

Quiz 9

Quiz 09 Github link to exercise 1: https://github.com/florethge/quizz/blob/master/ex1 Github link to exercise 2: https://github.com/florethge/quizz/blob/master/ex2 Github link to exercise 3: https://github.com/florethge/quizz/commit/427efd5270effa14ecd21b6d6471e3ceee79947c Github link to exercise 4: https://github.com/florethge/quizz/blob/master/ex4

Wsq 14

Estimating e Helpfull Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_%28mathematical_constant%29 Github Link to my code: https://github.com/FlorethGonzalez/Wsq-s/commit/d33a168dbbdc771abcb8a8f618fe620ddec2748b

Wsq 15

 4 Weeks Left Of The Python Course: Wsq's : I will do them every week, i'll try to do them before thursday if a quizz is  scheduled for that day. Quizzes: Be prepared by doing my wsq's weekly and before upcoming quizzes Masteries: I'm in  schedule  with my materies so there's no preasure, but i will do at least 2 every weekend.

Mastery 26

Creation and use of strings in Python Link to my video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe9huuc-X_M

Wsq 13

Babylonian Method Helpfull Sources: http://www.deltacollege.edu/dept/basicmath/Babylonian.htm http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/square-root-of-a-perfect-square/ Github Link to my code: https://github.com/FlorethGonzalez/Wsq-s/blob/12c2d8fed894856d0f1cecc491875094a6073905/wsq13.py

Wsq 12

Greatest Common Divisor Helpfull Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJn843kplDw Github Link to my code: https://github.com/FlorethGonzalez/Wsq-s/blob/master/wsq12.py

Wsq 11

Yo Soy 196 Helpfull Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindrome http://www.p196.org/ Github Link to my code: https://github.com/FlorethGonzalez/Wsq-s/blob/12c2d8fed894856d0f1cecc491875094a6073905/wsq11.py

Wsq 10

Lists Helpfull Sources: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_lists.htm Github link to my code: https://github.com/FlorethGonzalez/Wsq-s/blob/12c2d8fed894856d0f1cecc491875094a6073905/wsq10.py

Wsq 09

Factorial  Helpfull sources: http://www.disfrutalasmatematicas.com/numeros/factorial.html Dropbox link to my Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2q50736vwvfg0gs/09.py?dl=0 Github Link: https://github.com/FlorethGonzalez/Wsq-s/commit/12c2d8fed894856d0f1cecc491875094a6073905

Mastery 28

User input (text based) in Python (basic) Link to my Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwC8XDJRb6k

Mastery 23

Creation and use of lists in Python Link to my Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI7FxvDMP-0

Mastery 20

Use of loops with “for” Link to my Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyHo2a1Sbmg&list=UUf2n1DC60lmzCGtuZYaWsFg

Mastery 24

Creation and use of tuples in Python Link to my Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXEYiF6Mwog

Mastery 18

Nesting of conditional statements Link to my Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjPAbJV45RM

Mastery 11

Calling Python functions Link to my Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlPNxxEVI8Y

Mastery 12

Creating Python functions link to my video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiYudXpQSng

Mastery 19

Use of loops with “while” Link To My Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNvsXNvlpSs

Mastery 17

Use of “elif” with a conditional Link to My Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prLvdFpk1rY

Wsq 08

On to Functions What to do: i'm taking the same instructions as Wsq 03 http://floreths.blogspot.mx/2015/01/wsq03.html But this time i'm using functions! ,  with the help of this video made by Ken: Link to my Dropbox code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lctxv9t1g05gru1/function.py?dl=0

Mastery 16

Use of “else” with a conditional Link To My Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_ivJ-4m-lo

Mastery 02

Ability to create Python project in IDE  and run inside the IDE Link to my youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hcblMRa6Es

Mastery 01

Ability to Create a Python file and  run from command line Link to my Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2jiTuKyNfQ


Sum Of Numbers Example Run:  We will calculate in the range you provide. Please give us the lower bound:  1 Please give us the upper bound: 10 The sum from 1 to 10 (inclusive) is: 55 Dropbox link to my code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1k5dobdb2gg1cmz/Wsq07.py?dl=0


Pick a Number What to do:  1. To generate a random number i used  http://effbot.org/librarybook/random.htm  as an example. Dropbox link to my code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mn9v6bs7lg84v3s/Wsq06.py?dl=0

Mastery 15

Use of the Conditional "If" I made a video about how to use If =^.^= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldnNcc4LdRo


Fahrenheit To Celsius Converter What to do: 1. In order to make my conditional i had to investigate about the temperature of boiling water: The boiling point of wter is 100ºC or 212ºF at 1 atmosphere of pressure.  Source:  h ttp://www.montereyinstitute.org/courses/DevelopmentalMath/COURSE_TEXT_RESOURCE/U06_L3_T1_text_final.html Dropbox link to my code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fvz8jy94h4rlos2/Wsq05.py?dl=0


I made the 20 questions about me tag =^.^= It's on my About me page: http://floreths.blogspot.mx/p/about-me.html


Fun with Numbers Instructions: Ask the user for 2 integer numbers, then use those values to calculate: The sum of the 2 numbers  Difference between them  The product   The integer based division (no decimal point)  The remainder of the integer division First i looked for math operations with python and found this youtube video: Then i had some trouble with my variables because they were strings and i converted them to integers using int (), but after that minor struggle the program runned just fine. I'll leave a link to my code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/udfbrwf619a5n0b/Wsq03.py?dl=0

Mastery 10

Basic output (print) in Python I made my first youtube video! , it's about how to print on Python and run it from Windows cmd ^.^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAmZqaMTCno

Good Boy

Today was so much fun =^.^= at K pop class! So we have been working on this new Taeyang ft G-Dragon song called Good Boy and it's really good. The dance is hip hop oriented and it looks difficult but i think it's all about the attitude you carry while you are dancing it. We are half way through the song and we look tight doing it ^.^ now that more people joined the class; I was suprised when i saw guys taking the class, it shows that our performance on the "Muestra Cultural" really payed off!

Setting Up Python!

I installed python on my computer. What i did first was to go to:  https://www.python.org/downloads/  and then i followed this tutorial i found to help install it.

Flipped Classroom

I've watched the " Showing the Differences between a Traditional and a Flipped Classroom" video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzMFdDT6FSA#t=373   It really suprised me how efficient this new way of learning works!  - You can learn at your own pase  - You can use your classtime to ask you teacher about any  difficulty that you faced along a lesson. - If you're still not sure about being 100% clear on a subject you can read more about it in many different books or watch videos about the subject. I was actually jealous about the physics class in the video  u.u , i'm going to mention this idea to my physics teacher.  Hey! i found another video to help you undestand what a Flipped Classroom is all about, plus it's really cute!  =^.^= Discover more:  http://flippedinstitute.org/ Twitter :  https://twitter.com/flipinstitute


Hey i signed page one! http://ken.baueralonso.com/courses/course-home-page-for-tc1014/tc1014-page-one/#comment-32 #WSQ00 =^.^=

Mastery 03

#Mastery03 Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlorethGonzalez Github: https://github.com/FlorethGonzalez Blog: http://floreths.blogspot.mx/

2 Semestre

Hoy fue el primer día de clases, y estoy contenta de regresar al estudio después de las vacaciones. Me fui a inscribir otra vez al taller de K - Pop, el cual mañana tengo clases! y espero que Perze (nuestra maestra de k -pop) tenga unas buenas ideas de el baile para la muestra cultural de este semestre! Los dejo con la presentación del semestre pasado de k- pop!! ^.^