Flipped Classroom

I've watched the "Showing the Differences between a Traditional and a Flipped Classroom" video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzMFdDT6FSA#t=373 

It really suprised me how efficient this new way of learning works! 

- You can learn at your own pase 
- You can use your classtime to ask you teacher about any difficulty that you faced along a lesson.
- If you're still not sure about being 100% clear on a subject you can read more about it in many different books or watch videos about the subject.

I was actually jealous about the physics class in the video  u.u , i'm going to mention this idea to my physics teacher. 

Hey! i found another video to help you undestand what a Flipped Classroom is all about, plus it's really cute!  =^.^=


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