Internet Security and Privacy

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Private data and civil liberties are at risk nowadays there isn't enough transparency so that people are aware of how their data is being shaped and circulated.
Most users don't have technical expertise and leveraging internet power requires those set of skills and people with those with enough abilities always stay ahead of institutional power or controls. That is why cyber crimes are still present, even as the government power gets better. This is why whistleblowers can cause so much damage.
Institutional controls let companies use data but they put very strict conditions to prove that they are not misusing that data.

Privacy is about consumer trust, it's about online user trust. In the digital age, we typically apply the concept of data privacy to critical personal information, also known as personally identifiable information (PII) and personal health information (PHI).

But why is privacy important?

  1. Privacy is a limit on government power, as well as the power of private sector companies.
  2. Personal data is essential to so many decisions made about us, Control Over One’s Life.
  3. Freedom of Thought and Speech
  4. Privacy helps protect our ability to associate with other people and engage in political activity. 

Following proper data protection procedures is also crucial to help prevent cybercrimes by ensuring details, specifically banking, addresses and contact information are protected to prevent fraud.



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