Operating System Security (Linux Focus)
The process of ensuring OS integrity, confidentiality and availability
"OS security refers to specified steps or measures used to protect the OS from threats, viruses, worms, malware or remote hacker intrusions. OS security encompasses all preventive-control techniques, which safeguard any computer assets capable of being stolen, edited or deleted if OS security is compromised" (Technopedia, 2018)
Why is is Linux is the most secure operating system?
Linux has the potential to be the most secure OS if the users is experienced or acquainted with security protocols, terms and technology.
Even though Linux is open source people might think that it's the least secure OS, but in fact it's an important reason why Linux is so secure because Anyone can review code and make sure there are no bugs or back doors.
Linux is reviewed by the tech community, which lends itself to security: "By having that much oversight, there are fewer vulnerabilities, bugs and threats.” (Taylor, 2018)
Another great reason why Linux is the best at Secure OS, Linux greatly restricts “root” while other OS users are generally given administrator access by default.
Technopedia. (2018). Operating System Security (OS Security). Technopedia. Retrieved from:
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